Monday, July 1, 2013

Brazilian Defender Too Deep In Thought

                The outstanding victory of the Brazilian national soccer team this Sunday was a milestone accomplishment that will help propel this team to the soaring heights they are accustomed to.  However, the victory would be overshadowed by the devastating loss of Brazilian defender David Luiz.

                 David Luiz was the backbone of the Brazilian defense, time after time coming to their rescue. The Chelsea defenseman’s skill and athleticism were once again on display Sunday evening, as he slid into his own net managing to deflect the shot over the crossbar. To paint the picture, Spain was on the break. Play was developing in the middle (as usual), outside the eighteen, as Pedro made a run on the right flank receiving an outlet pass from his midfield. Luiz was in transition racing back to cover the weak side as Pedro let fly a precision shot across goal. Just as the ball was ready to cross the line, Luiz came flying in to repel it. This was perhaps a bit of foreshadowing, as Luiz would gracefully slide into heaven as he did his own net. 

                 The Brazilian defender was found dead on the pitch several hours after the game. The autopsy showed that David Luiz died of an aneurism. Following the trophy ceremony, the Brazilian team had a night out on town. They all met at Le Loft, a bar in the city. After several drinks, many members of the team noticed that David was nowhere to be found. They tried contacting him several times via his cell but received no response. After some time, they grew worried and went to see if they could locate him at his apartment in Fortaleza. When they arrived to his vacant apartment, tensions grew unsteady and the police were phoned. Later, that night at around 4 AM, David Luiz was found dead in the stadium at center field. Here are the last images taken of David Luiz before his death.

Till Next Time, 

Don Juan

P.S. He's not really dead. This is a fucking joke.


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